Saturday, 26 October 2019

The Evidence of You

I was taught while young of Your existence and while I have always been
convicted of Your existence that has not stopped me searching for You.

Where do You dwell? 

In the expanse of the heavens that You made? 
Science has conclusively proved that this is not so, although the weight of
circumstantial evidence is indeed heavy. 

In the nature of this planet that You made? 
Once again, science proves otherwise, but in doing so breaches its own
laws of mathematics. 

In the mind and thoughts of Your greatest creation?  
Even there, within the most mind-boggling complexity, we find no actual

Your word gives us little clues, like, 
Darkness is His hiding place

How can I be so convinced of You if I cannot find proof? 
What kind of fact would be sufficient to satisfy the burden of proof? 
Again, Your own words provide the clue. 
By the fruit of Your labours

I know of Your work in me. 
I know how you have healed me physically, not once, nor twice, but 
(by my reckoning) at least three times. 
I know of at least one healing of my mental facilities. 
Then there are the numerous times You have changed my soul.
Times too many for me to remember, the changes being too wondrous
for me to articulate.

In considering what proof would be sufficient to 
appease my uncertainty I realised that it would be the same
standard that we place on others. 
For we don't easily abandon our own thoughts, perceptions and opinions to
another unless there is an ample quotient of one condition -


Trust is the essential ingredient for a true relationship to exist between two.
Without trust there will always be some element of suspicion, uncertainty or
doubt. And having arrived at this understanding I realised that I need not have
any further doubt, and the uncertainty I was experiencing was 
not over Your existence, 
but over my ability to walk the path You have set for me. 

And because I do trust You, I can also trust Your work and Your hand on my life,
for there is one thing that I am certain of:

Your loving kindness.

September 2019

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