Saturday, 27 November 2021

Looking through a glass darkly

My wife says, You look dreadful.

I look in the mirror and see the same me as always. You need to eat, she says.

My brother says Your pain is written all over your face.

I look in the mirror but can find no signs that indicate the truth of his assertion.

I walk daily looking through a glass darkly, illumination only coming after those around 

me testify of what they know is true in me.

I eat and feel better.

(1 Corinthians 13:12)


April 2021

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Fourteen times

You have been brought to this hospital fourteen times 

in the last eleven years. What’s going on with you? 

The nurse clearly suspicious of my motivations.

What’s there to say? What excuses could I give that 

satisfies a suspicious mind? Do I dodge the question and 

tell her how demoralising it is that this statistic blows 

any sporting Personal Best into oblivion?

Is a wry smile enough to ward off further enquiry? I know 

from experience that it won’t garner any further sympathy.

Am I accident prone, or just plain careless? It’s not as if I 

go looking for the chance to become injured or maimed. 

Hot metal from a grinder getting past my safety glasses.

Bitten by an Eastern Brown in my own back yard. A branch 

from a gum tree falling onto my head. I look remarkably 

normal and healthy for someone so intent on self-destruction.

Do I continue living as I have hoping the trend of accidents 

diminishes with age, or do I cover myself in bubble wrap 

and step into armour each time I venture from the relative 

safety (until recently) of my own dwelling?

The neurologist is delighted to see me. He now knows he 

will learn something new about the human body - but not 

enough to cure me. Not enough to stop or slow the 

incessant journeys under flashing lights and sirens.

Oh, wretched man that I am! 

Who will save me from this body of death!


April 2021

Saturday, 13 November 2021



Praise the day, for it has dawned

And His mercy it has spawned

Praise the sparrow wheeling on its wing

Praise the joy in each flitting thing

Praise the night past,  moribund

Its nocturnal choir many-tongued

Praise the sun for shining light

Praise the light that brings sight

Praise the day that has been christened

Preordained with full provision

Praise Him for His given acts

With their mysteries of parallax

Praise the strength of given faith

Strong enough to stand stress and scaith 

Praise the enabling of given grace

That empowers to run your race

And praise the joy that He has given

When you are blessed and forgiven


April 2021

Saturday, 6 November 2021

Eleven Ways of Looking at the Wind


I was like a tree

In which the wind dwells.



Over all the earth,

The only thing that never ceases

Are the eyes of the wind.



Many things may dance in the wind

But it is the wind that is the major part of the pantomime.



A husband and a wife

Are one.

A husband and a wife and the wind

Can be one.



The movement of grasses like oceans

The swaying of trees like dancers

The whirl of dust and cloud like dervishes

All of which the wind is involved in



There are tidal patterns and magnetic lines

Circadian rhythms and lunar seasons

Domains of electricity, magnetism and gravity

All of which the wind is involved in



There are many beauties in this world

Inflection, innuendo, nuance,

grace in a child, mercy from an enemy

The wind gives it all.



It goes where no one knows, 

Having come from who knows where.

It criss-crosses the earth in obtuse fashions

Carrying enigmatic ciphers whose importance is unfathomable



Striving after the wind is like grasping for wisdom

Yet wisdom is gained by His word whispered into the ear.



O wise men of Behistun,

Why do you imagine a golden child?

Do you not understand the gold, frankincense, and myrrh you present

Is given to you by the wind?



The wind is strong. 

It may not be withstood

Yet it can be commanded to cease

By His word.



It is clear that the wind belongs to Him

The snorting of His nostrils, His breath, His life.

O that I would know the wind

And He would know me.


MDC August 2021