I was like a tree
In which the wind dwells.
Over all the earth,
The only thing that never ceases
Are the eyes of the wind.
Many things may dance in the wind
But it is the wind that is the major part of the pantomime.
A husband and a wife
Are one.
A husband and a wife and the wind
Can be one.
The movement of grasses like oceans
The swaying of trees like dancers
The whirl of dust and cloud like dervishes
All of which the wind is involved in
There are tidal patterns and magnetic lines
Circadian rhythms and lunar seasons
Domains of electricity, magnetism and gravity
All of which the wind is involved in
There are many beauties in this world
Inflection, innuendo, nuance,
grace in a child, mercy from an enemy
The wind gives it all.
It goes where no one knows,
Having come from who knows where.
It criss-crosses the earth in obtuse fashions
Carrying enigmatic ciphers whose importance is unfathomable
Striving after the wind is like grasping for wisdom
Yet wisdom is gained by His word whispered into the ear.
O wise men of Behistun,
Why do you imagine a golden child?
Do you not understand the gold, frankincense, and myrrh you present
Is given to you by the wind?
The wind is strong.
It may not be withstood
Yet it can be commanded to cease
By His word.
It is clear that the wind belongs to Him
The snorting of His nostrils, His breath, His life.
O that I would know the wind
And He would know me.
MDC August 2021