Saturday, 19 September 2020

Wedding at Wang

Wedding at Wang

Adrianna and Matthew, 19th September 2020

Oh, these are strange days and new times.

Global pandemic thrusting narrowness and loss upon us.

Forcing us to reconsider things we didn't realise needed to be reconsidered, and encouraging us 

to consider only those things that have eternal value. 

(And perhaps, giving us a new appreciation of that poor camel trying to squeeze through the needle's eye.)

Society may be in an uproar, the media festering every anxiety, and promoting 

every helpless, hopeless, useless, fruitless desire, but the peace and calm within your hearts is 

the true testament of reality.

The traditional wedding thrown out, not because of changes in social mores or pressure 

to be relevant, but as Solomon so aptly stated, ' There is a time for every purpose under heaven', 

and it is surely evident that the Lord rules in the affairs of men.

A wedding is a time of celebratory largesse, a time to enjoy the company of family, old and new. 

This narrowed alternative, though disappointing and reluctantly endured, will thankfully have 

no effect on the quality of your future life together. And no doubt, no doubt at all, 

the day will be sweet with sparkling sunshine (or effervescent rain), halcyon air, 

trees singing in the wind, clapping their hands, and your hearts growing so big you think they might burst.

It is understandable to grieve over loss; family unable to attend, two guests present 

rather than 200, quietness instead of the murmur, laughter and rabble of excited loved ones.

So, while the circumstances may appear straightened, rest assured that the real gifts 

come with your marriage, not with the wedding, and those gifts come from the Father of lights.

And while we would wish to honour you with our bodily presence, we feel honoured to be part 

of such a great cloud of witnesses excitedly testifying to your declaration of vows which 

will cost you joyfully dear; an event written into the eternal books so, so long ago.

And witness it we will. Virtual wedding guests, gathered in homes near and far, some still 

in pyjamas and some in suit and tie, peering into computer screens large and small to see 

your nuptials through the cycloptic eye of a video camera.

With you in spirit but obviously not in body, unable to ooh and ah over 

the details of your wedding dress, unable to hug and kiss our joy and blessings to you,

but with you nonetheless, and He will bless you; with joy and gladness, difficulty and sorrow, 

children if you choose, and long, long Elysian days of fellowship with Him.

And the unusual way in which this season plays out is a harbinger of things to come and is 

heralding a new closeness amongst us. 

What better way to celebrate that, than with your wedding.

MDC September 2020