Saturday, 23 November 2019


How is it that the same tree expresses opposites?

Yesterday, that Pepperina was stately, gracious, smiling at me 
with benevolence, a sage viewing the world with patient musings, 
its diurnal presence a torch to the joy and calm a life can produce.

Today,  giving no excuse to the prison of penury or the freedom 
of wealth, it is a sentinel to judgement, its hairy arms immovable 
to prevarication or perspective. It looks at me with rigid obstinance, 
mutely frowning at my choices.

Yesterday, a friend. Today, an obdurate bystander.

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Giving Thanks

I refuse to be sorrowful, to be condemned
I refuse to cast away my future by 
letting the past dog me; a vulture waiting for
my last breath

Instead, I take a deep breath
Fill my lungs with the sweet air of the present
And thank You for the mercy You
have shown me by showing me that my past habits
do not have to be my future faults

I shake with trepidation, with shame
I shake with the uncertainty of my 
future but at least I now have one that is not an offence
to me or to You

Saturday, 9 November 2019


Your fine, fine gold 
gleaming in the gloom
The stature of your frame would grace any room

Seven branches, identical
Far surpassing all that’s 

Each bud and flower beaten 
to within an inch of its life
Their history riven with suffering and strife

Yet grandly there you stand
Firmly rooted on crown 

Superb structural glory!
That seems to define your life
But pales into darkness compared to your light

Your bright, bright flowers
Petals of light
Removing all shadow, dispelling the night

Nothing more glorious
than your effulgence diurnal
Steadfast, pure, radiance
