Sunday, 18 December 2016

Summer Week-ends

I love this time of year. Late Spring - early Summer.The weather is the catalyst, as is the pending holiday break. And although the weather can be a little unsettled this time of year, it never intrudes on events because I can enjoy a beer on the patio looking at my garden whether it's raining or not. 

My week-ends commence with a conundrum of decision. To barbecue or not barbecue? That is the question. If barbecuing, should I smoke the meat or simply throw it on the hotplate?

I love the lazy afternoons filled with cicada symphonies, far-off dog barks, a farther-off car horn, the uncomfortable caress of bottle brush against the side of the house, the wind turning ten thousand pages in the camphor laurels. 

Friends dropping in and deciding to stay longer than intended. 

I love the sizzle and snap of sausages on the hotplate, their fragrance overpowering the mock orange.

The happy sounds of children playing in water - whether in the neighbour's pool or the unexpected splash of water when a gust of wind blows the fountain spray across their path as they run around the yard.

The gentle late-afternoon breeze that brings relief from the hot day and, with it, a scent of a possible thunder storm. 

I love too the relief that comes when I realise that this down-time is enough to recover my strength and composure after a hard week, knowing I am facing another one.

Oh, yes. I love this time of year.

Saturday, 27 February 2016


My melancholia, whether from disposition or habit, is like any man's; unable to be vindicated by stoicism or wisdom, happiness or patience, generosity or even godliness.

Melancholy is the character of mortality. Any man who is able to avoid all melancholic feelings from his thoughts, desires, and anxieties shows proof of an inability to fully and properly comprehend life itself; for to avoid melancholy is to avoid empathy, refuse comprehension and shun participation in reality. To hold to a perpetual tenure of happiness in life is ridiculous and absurd. Even Solomon himself held that "in the midst of laughter there is sorrow". Indeed, to not know melancholy is to make oneself unable to reciprocate true feelings and affection to another.

Melancholy should not be mistaken for depression, nor should it be joined with any other thoughts or attitudes that may legitimately be considered vain, egregious or erroneous in some way. Melancholy provides a window to different perceptions. It enables a deeper understanding of distress and trouble, and once understood, opens doors to the provision of support and anchor for the one suffering.

For some, their melancholia may have derived from a period of disquiet, an issue raising apprehension or even an event that caused perturbation. It may creep in during a season of distress or during a time of upheaval. The arrival or existence of melancholy is not evidence that something has gone wrong. It is not a state that requires correction or "fixing". True, a prolonged period of melancholy may be an accurate indication that help is required, adjustment made or support given, but the same can be said for prolonged periods of celebration, extreme physical activity, and over-work.

Of itself it has the same right to exist as contentment, peace and calm. Melancholia promotes contemplation, reflection, and personal insight. Just because it may lead  to an unhealthy measure of introspection does not mean it should be avoided or eradicated. That would be like refusing to teach children how to swim because some might drown. True melancholy does not focus on the inner person. It is not a self-indulgent, introspective, ego-centric, "woe-is-me" deportment. These conditions indicate depression, not melancholia. A true melancholy state provides a time of reprieve in order to assimilate the current season and conditions and to adjust attitude, approach and response. 

There are times in my life when I deliberately seek a melancholic disposition. I am careful to keep my demeanour appropriate when I am with others, but I find the environment and culture of melancholy helpful for personal stocktaking, attitude and perception adjustment and it assists me to maintain a humble and judicious attitude towards others and life in general. Melancholia can sometimes make me pensive and sometimes this may come across as being despondent or disconsolate, but I am rarely in either of those states. 

In short, occasional melancholy makes me easier to live with and that's got to be a good thing, right?

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Oh Happy Day!

Whoot! Last night, at 7:23 pm our eldest daughter gave birth to our second grandchild. A girl of unknown size, weight and dimensions. (Her father was tired, excited and was not able to pass on this information). 

This is our daughter and son-in-law's second child and even though they are over-the-moon with joy and happiness, their emotion is a mere drop in the ocean compared with our's. (Every grandparent indisputably knows that grandparents enjoy their grandchildren more than parents enjoy their kids).

This child, like her older sibling, will live a blessed life because of the wisdom, insight, love and devotion of her grandparents. Pa and Nanna, closely followed by Granny & Gramps, will endow this child with love, affection and support better than any other child will ever receive.

There is no doubt that she will become a Nobel Laureate, a space engineer and a brain surgeon, after ....

[Daughter] Dad? What are you doing?

[Pa] ... an educational career including Dux of the...

[Daughter] Dad! Stop it!

[Pa] ... school and Universi...

[Daughter] Dad! Stop it! NOW!

[Pa] ... ty valedictorian ...

[Daughter] Dad, if you don't stop right now we will revoke all visiting privileges.

This broadcast has been halted due to technical difficulties.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Home Free

No ghosts from the past with sordid history
No skeletons in the closet or places to be
No chip on my shoulder, no monkey on my back
No muse in my head to blame for my lack

No dues owed to the Ferryman, no tiger by the tail
No need to pay the Piper, nothing beyond the Pale
No fear of the Reaper, no angst t’wards Old Man Time
No grief for anything that ever was mine

No bad dreams to falter or things I want to forget
No tears of dread to cry, there is no regret
No niggling doubts to ponder or trivial questions “Why?”
No unsettled dispute, no little white lie

No pressing appointments or points to prove
No soap-box to preach or stumbling block to move
No chain to bind me, no lock without key
No debt tying me down - I’m home free.

No magic trick, no sleight of hand,
No fancy foot-work, no shifting sand
No ace up my sleeve or joker in the pack
No magic wand or rabbit in a hat

No spin of the dice, no four leaf clover
No reason to look my shoulder over
No rabbit’s foot, no lucky charm
No hasty retreat from a rushing gendarme

No other agenda, no facade on my face
No rockets in my shoes to cheat in this race
Not counting the blow but turning the cheek
Not eager for fame but fervent for meek

No fear of flying, no terror of heights
But an awe of flame and a kin for lights
Facing the challenges, no fear of fear
Living my life as if my Saviour is near.

No baggage to carry, no millstone round neck
No run-away thoughts to be kept in check
No prison to hold , no handcuffs on me
No reason to stay - I’m home free.

